The flurry of activity out of the Trump Administration is getting most of the news commentary these days, but much of higher education is still largely under partial control by state government authorities. Some attention has been on big states like Florida and Texas that have created new research centers not controlled by the woke-academic establishments or have eliminated pernicious “diversity, equity, and inclusion” (DEI) ventures—recently by gubernatorial executive order in Indiana and West Virginia.

But somewhat extraordinarily, probably the boldest reform efforts are happening in Ohio, a state rarely known for brash policy innovations. But now comes Senate Bill 1, dubbed “Enact Advance Ohio Higher Education Act,” spearheaded in the Ohio Senate by a savvy entrepreneur turned politician, Jerry Cirino, with strong support in the Ohio House. The Republicans dominate both bodies, so final passage of reform legislation is highly likely, and Governor Mike DeWine seems on board.

The bill builds on $24 million in appropriations last year creating not one but five civic institutes at public universities—the largest at Ohio State—emphasizing the promotion of the founding principles of our country. Each institute is insulated from control by woke-oriented progressives pushing leftist social justice, anti-capitalist, or racist agendas.

Public confidence in our universities is at a low ebb, but Ohio Senate Bill 1 provides a path to restoring trust. Being over 70 pages long, I can only touch on a few positive dimensions here.

Ending Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Programs

Arguably, the most pernicious negative collegiate development in modern times has been the growth of massive, expensive DEI bureaucracies. Decisions relating to hiring, contracting, promotions, and work standards should be made on the basis of academic merit, improving learning, discovery, and intellectual diversity. Yet, borrowing from Dr. King, DEI administrators seem more concerned with the color of people’s skins than the content of their character. At my university, I have witnessed Star Chamber-like DEI harassment of faculty reminiscent of Soviet Russia, including damaging a prestigious Distinguished Professor program. S.B. 1 ends DEI, what the federal government and some states are already doing.

Teaching History and Civics

Ohioans are increasingly ignorant of the extraordinary foundations of our Republic, its historical evolution, and its constitutional framework. S.B. 1 mandates a semester undergraduate course to help end that deficiency. Knowledge of our historical origins is the glue binding us together as Americans. Former students are constantly thanking me for the positive influence my instructing them in American and even European economic history made on their lives.

Prohibiting Faculty Strikes

Public workers such as police and fire personnel perform such vital work that governments outlaw their going on strike. A strong case can be made that the principle should be extended to those providing vital human capital to college students who will be tomorrow’s leaders. Several years ago, a mid-semester faculty strike at Wright State University disrupted the education of thousands of students who had paid tuition, causing permanent harm to that school.

Institutional Neutrality

Universities should be forums for peddling and assessing all kinds of nonviolent thoughts. Free-wheeling but civil debate creates constructive ideas and flourishes them. Schools, however, should merely provide a lively forum for discussion, not advocating positions themselves. They should stay out of politics, commenting only on policy matters directly affecting the operations of the university itself.

Post Tenure Review

Additionally, S.B. 1 mandates meaningful post-tenure faculty review. Granting tenure implicitly is typically a multi-million-dollar financial commitment, and a small but meaningful number of professors slack off and make minimal efforts after becoming tenured. This legislation sets explicit standards that could lead to the dismissal of extremely negligent faculty.

Other Provisions

Much-needed training of university trustees is mandated, enhancing their potentially constructive role in ensuring efficient university operations and reducing the likelihood, as one trustee put it to me, that “we are just potted plants.” Failure of governing boards to fulfill their fiduciary responsibilities is a factor in higher education’s loss of public support. Additionally, more explicit financial transparency is mandated, including five-year cost projections. The legislation also mandates making class syllabi readily computer accessible to the broader public.

Despite strong GOP legislative dominance, a fierce protest is expected from faculty groups such as the AAUP—opposition has already shown up at the Capitol even before hearings commence. It is encouraging, however, that even in the conservative heartland, colleges are being put on notice that tolerance of outlandish behavior is limited.