Issue: The Nanny State

The Power of Independent Thinking


Showing 31 - 40 of 338 Results.

What the U.S. Supreme Court Bruen Decision Will Mean for America
The U.S. Supreme Court declared New York’s “good-cause” requirement for the right to bear arms outside the home unconstitutional, but the struggle for freedom is hardly over.
The FDA Could Easily Solve the Baby Formula Shortage by Allowing More Imports from Europe
Obamacare: Promises Made, Promises Broken
The Nihilism of the Left
In pursuit of its utopian omelet, the Left cares little about the millions of middle-class Americans it must break to make it.
Where’s the Growth? Biden Budget Brings Back Obama’s Secular Stagnation
The Public-Health Hazards Posed by Public-Health Paternalists
FDA Continues to Meddle With Covid-19 Treatments
Regarding the Defense Medical Epidemiological Database Data Dump
Database Artifact, Smoking Gun, or Something in Between?
Is It Time for Intellectuals to Talk about God?
It’s a New Dark Age. Evil abounds. Is a postmodern embarrassment about discussing spiritual matters, keeping us stupid and putting us in danger?
California Refuses to Learn From Vermont’s Single-Payer Failure
Sacramento’s plan would be even more economically devastating than the one deemed impossible in 2014.

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