Issue: Family

The Power of Independent Thinking


Showing 11 - 20 of 195 Results.

Teaching the Teachers: Subject Expertise Comes First
Despite California Spending $24 Billion on It Since 2019, Homelessness Increased. What Happened?
College Kids Without Civics and History
The current generation of adults in the US is squandering our human capital, endangering national unity, and diminishing the prosperity of future generations.
Our Kids Have No Economic Immune Systems
Newsom Believes the Globe Is Getting Hotter Even as California Freezes
Pro-abortion governor heads to the Vatican for a ‘climate resilience’ conference.
Class War in California
Punishing students because their parents are too successful is unfair and unwise.
The Age of the Lazy American
High taxes, a focus on identity, and an aging population amount to a War on Work.
Malthus Reversed: The Birth Dearth and Our Future
The new threat to human well-being is a shrinking population, not a growing one.
Setting the Record Straight on Income Inequality
Book Review of The Myth of American Inequality: How Government Biases Policy Debate by Phil Gramm, Robert Ekelund, and John Early.
Two Cheers for the Bipartisan Tax Deal

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless