Issue: Entitlements and Welfare

The Power of Independent Thinking


Showing 161 - 170 of 525 Results.

The New Regressive Dark Ages
Being Careful with Numbers, Words, and Visions: Review of Thomas Sowell, Discrimination and Disparities
California Woke Zealots Try to Cancel Math Class
The proposed curriculum framework aims low, abandons the gifted, and preaches “social justice.”
Does the American Families Plan Address Families’ Real Economic Challenges?
Higher Ed and the Biden Agenda: Be Prepared to Become Disappointed
Why Would a 50-Year-Old Want To Join Medicare?
The Health Problem Congress Created and Cannot Solve
Mark Cuban’s Health Plan
How Did the Cancel Culture Become Dominant So Quickly?
Follow the “Science,” They Said
As a general rule, the next time an official, a politician, or an expert lectures us on the “science,” make sure that he is not projecting his own unscientific biases onto others.

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless