Issue: Iraq

The Power of Independent Thinking


Showing 1 - 10 of 324 Results.

Is Trump Really Going to Practice Military Restraint?
The War on Terror Is Still Hamstringing U.S. Foreign Policy
Criticizing the Israeli Government’s Incompetence Is Not Antisemitic
The current Israeli strategy will result in an Iraq-style counterinsurgency quagmire.
Strikes Against the Houthis Need Congressional Approval
If Congress cannot reassert its constitutional duty to approve U.S. military actions now, will it ever?
What Netanyahu Can Learn from the War on Terror
The War on Terror exemplified how a state’s overreaction to an attack can cause more harm than good. Is Israel on the same path?
America Is An Overstretched Superpower
The United States has made too many formal and informal alliance commitments that come at a huge cost to American taxpayers.
An American Lack of Introspection on Failed U.S. Foreign Policy
The American people must be shown that foreign policy crises don’t arrive out of the blue.
Ten Reasons Why Affirmative Action Died
The GOP’s Wilsonian Mexico Policy
Authorizing military force in Mexico will not end the way they think.
The Impending Thermidor Reaction in Jacobin America
At peak woke, our reign of terror is beginning to lose momentum because its continuation would destroy all the work of 247 years of American progress and sacrifice.

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