Tuesday, June 7th, 2016
Wine and Hors d'Oeuvres Reception and Book Signing: 6:00 p.m.
Program: 7:00 p.m.
Independent Institute Conference Center
100 Swan Way, Oakland, CA 94621-1428
Regular Admission: $25 or $20 for Members
Special Admission: $45 or $40 for Members
Special Admission includes one hardcover copy of The Scandal of Money at a 29% Discount!
George Gilder is Chairman of George Gilder Fund Management, host of the Gilder Telecosm Forum, Senior Fellow at the Discovery Institute, a founding Member of the Board of Advisors for the Independent Institute, and author of the acclaimed, new book, The Scandal of Money: Why Wall Street Recovers but the Economy Never Does. The author of scores of books and articles, his most influential book is Wealth and Poverty, which makes the economic and moral case for the tax reductions and economic growth of the "supply-side revolution."
Can the American jobs machine ever be restarted? Can parents once again have confidence that their children will enjoy a standard of living higher than their own? Yes, despite the pessimism of lowered expectations common across the political spectrum. But the usual policy ideas put forth by the Left and Right wont do the trick. The secret to putting the U.S. back on the fast track to widespread prosperity, according to author George Gilder (Knowledge and Power, Wealth and Poverty), is to eliminate the unsustainable economic booms and resulting busts that have crushed the middle class and working people alike.
Drawing on his new book, The Scandal of Money: Why Wall Street Recovers but the Economy Never Does, Gilder will explain why America needs a monetary system free of government monopoly and safe from the manipulations of a central banka system in which gold-based money and blockchain technology can work in concert to revive Main Street rather than enrich the political elites of Wall Street. Nothing less than the adoption of real money, according to Gilder, can fulfill the amazing potential of the information economyand nothing less can make good on the promise of the American dream.

Why do we think governments know how to create money? They dont. George Gilder shows that money is time, and time is real. He is our best guide to our most fundamental economic problem.
Peter Thiel, founder of PayPal; author of Zero to One and The Diversity Myth
Thirty-five years ago, George Gilder wrote Wealth and Poverty, the bible of the Reagan Revolution. With The Scandal of Money he may have written the road map to the next big boom.
Arthur B. Laffer, coauthor, An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of States
Science is prediction, which means economists should go the way of astrologers. Instead they give each other Nobel Prizes. Then George Gilder comes out with another wonderful book explaining our economic predicament using his information theory. Suddenly its clear again what to do.
Bob Metcalfe, University of Texas, inventor of Ethernet