Profile in Cowardice: Allah is Great! Die South Park Die!

In recent years, threats from Islamic extremists have resulted in murder of those simply depicting Mohammed (forbidden by Islamic tradition, although not unknown to Islamic culture).

From a prominent woman who fled Islamic death threats:

‘South Park’ and the Informal Fatwa”

In a profile of cowardice, Comedy Central responded to a recent death threat by censoring the image of Mohammed on South Park

You can “piss Christ,” bash Buddha, mock the Pope, but humor is apparently not in the hadith.


And here is the image (censored) that Comedy Central now allows:

When Danish cartoonists published cartoons of Mohammed, Islamic extremists rampaged worldwide and killed 100 people. Those who published the cartoons in the “land of the free” (USA) lost their jobs or were forced to grovel with apologies. Others had to go into hiding.

Academics, of course, led the way by rotting out the foundations of any reasoned defense of a free and civil society.

“Hey, hey, ho, ho, Western Civ has got to go” was the chant during the culture wars. There isn’t much left of “Western Civ” or any civilization, unless it is Nihilism with cowardly fear (but not reverence) for Islam.

Case in point: Years ago, Yale University admitted “Yale Taliban”--the propaganda minister for the Taliban–despite the fact he had only a fourth-grade education. Then, when Yale University Press published a book on the cartoon controversy, they censored the images for fear of death threats.

Now it is another sniveling retreat in popular culture (South Park).

“Land of the free”? “Home of the brave?

More of the same.

Shame on you Comedy Central!

Jonathan Bean is a Research Fellow at the Independent Institute and editor of the Independent book, Race & Liberty in America: The Essential Reader.
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