J. Tyler Leverty: The Independent Institute

The Power of Independent Thinking

J. Tyler Leverty
J. Tyler Leverty

J. Tyler Leverty is the Gerald D. Stephens CPCU Chair in Risk Management and Insurance in the Wisconsin School of Business at the University of Wisconsin, Madison, and Research Associate in the Center for RMI Research at Georgia State University. He received his Ph.D. in risk management and insurance from Georgia State University.

He has been Associate Professor of Finance at the University of Iowa, and he is the recipient of the TRISTAR Risk Management Faculty Fellowship, Tippie College of Business Collegiate Teaching Award, Old Gold Fellowship at the University of Iowa, State Farm Companies Foundation Doctoral Dissertation Award, Helen C. Leith Fellowship, and Leyton Hunter Fellowship.

His scholarly papers have appeared in such journals as the Journal of Risk and Insurance; Journal of Law, Economics and Organization; Journal of Risk and Insurance; Journal of Accounting Research; Journal of Money, Credit, & Banking; Journal of Banking and Finance; and Geneva Papers on Risk and Insurance.

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless
  • MyGovCost.org
  • FDAReview.org
  • OnPower.org
  • elindependent.org