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Working Papers

Working Papers are research articles that have been submitted to the Independent Institute or written by our Fellows, but have not yet been published or peer reviewed. Independent maintains this index of working papers in order to help disseminate, discuss, and improve important ideas. Authors welcome informed comments. If you would like to submit your paper for possible inclusion please email the paper’s abstract to Independent’s Research Director, William F. Shughart II.

You Get What You Pay For: Result-Based Compensation for Health Care
When Is Two Better than One?
How Federalism Mitigates and Intensifies Imperfect Political Competition
What Larry Doesn’t Get
A Libertarian Response to Lessig’s Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace
Wartime Socialization of Investment
A Reassessment of U.S. Capital Formation in the 1940s
Teacher Training and Texas Education Reform
A Study in Contradiction
Taxing Development: The Law and Economics of Traffic Impact Fees
Sweatshops and Third World Living Standards: Are the Jobs Worth the Sweat?
The Statute that Time Forgot
18 U.S.C. Section 3501 and the Overhauling of Miranda
The State: Agent or Proprietor?
State Development Planning: Did it Create an East Asian Miracle?
Standing Tiebout on His Head
Tax Capitalization and the Monopoly Power of Local Governments
Somalia After State Collapse: Chaos or Improvement?
Settlement and the Decline of Private Prosecution in Thirteenth-Century England
The Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and the Political Economy of California Water Allocation
Runaway Judges? Selection Effects and the Jury
Retail Innovations in American Economic History
The Rise of Mass-Market Merchandisers
Rational Irrationality and the Microfoundations of Political Failure
The Radical Libertarian Political Economy of 19th Century Preacher David Lipscomb
Public Versus Private Initiative in Arctic Exploration
The Effects of Incentives and Organizational Structure
Public Health and the Placebo
The Legacy of the 1906 Pure Food and Drug Act
Prostitution and Sex Crimes
Privatizing the Adjudication of Disputes
Privateering and National Defense: Naval Warfare for Private Profit
Private Policing in San Francisco
The Positive Correlation of Price and Concentration in Staples: Market Power or Indivisibility?

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless