Issue: Higher Education

The Power of Independent Thinking


Showing 1 - 10 of 545 Results.

The Age of the Lazy American
High taxes, a focus on identity, and an aging population amount to a War on Work.
K-12 Parents Need Same Choices as College Athletes
Like college scholarships, education dollars should flow to students’ parents, not government bureaucracies.
Malthus Reversed: The Birth Dearth and Our Future
The new threat to human well-being is a shrinking population, not a growing one.
Uncivic Education
Many of those who know little or nothing about the seemingly relevant facts, nevertheless have opinions, sometimes even strong opinions, about public matters.
Criticizing the Israeli Government’s Incompetence Is Not Antisemitic
The current Israeli strategy will result in an Iraq-style counterinsurgency quagmire.
The Real March Madness
Why Labor Unions Won’t Save Higher Education
It operates in a different labor environment.
Harvard Tramples the Truth
When it came to debating Covid lockdowns, Veritas wasn’t the university’s guiding principle.
The Potted Plants of Higher Education
California Versus Free Speech: Mobsters Who Attacked Riley Gaines Get Off Scot-Free
Reporters seem unaware that the attack on free speech in the state has been going on for some time.

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless