The Power of Independent Thinking

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Posted: Wed. November 18, 2015

Professor Steven Horwitz contrasts the US economy during the Gilded Age (1870s to the early twentieth century—a period of industrialization and the growth of wealth—with the Great Depression (1929-39). He traces the role played by innovation and industrialization as well as the role of the federal government and the Federal Reserve System throughout these two contrasting periods.

00:00 Initial credits
00:07 The Gilded Age
09:00 The Progressive Era
14:53 The Federal Reserve and the Great Depression
20:16 The high school "story" about the Great Depression
21:18 What caused the Great Depression and why did it last so long?
23:00 1920-1929
25:00 1929-1933
28:37 The response of President Herbert Hoover to the Great Depression
34:11 Herbert Hoover and Franklin D. Roosevelt: the same?
41:10 The role of the Second World War
43:54 Conclusion
44:35 Final credits

Steven Horwitz, PhD is is Charles A. Dana Professor of Economics at St. Lawrence University. A Senior Scholar at the Mercatus Center and Senior Fellow of the Fraser Institute, Dr. Horwitz completed his Ph.D. in economics at George Mason University

Posted: Mon. November 16, 2015

"The Cheetah Generation is the new and angry generation of Africans who can see that their leadership has failed them ... They're not going to sit there and wait for governments to come and do things for them. As a matter of fact, they're not going to sit there and beg for foreign aid, because they can see that every social need in Africa is a business opportunity. The Cheetah Generation is entrepreneurial." - George Ayittey, Economist (Ghana) Video produced by PovertyCure.Org

Posted: Mon. November 16, 2015

George Ayittey speaks at San Francisco Freedom Forum 2012

Posted: Mon. November 16, 2015

George Ayittey's presentation at Oslo Freedom Forum 2011

Posted: Mon. November 16, 2015

Presented in TED Global 2007, Ghanaian economist George Ayittey unleashes a torrent of controlled anger toward corrupt leaders in Africa — and calls on the “Cheetah generation” to take back the continent.

Posted: Thu. November 12, 2015

CCTV America’s Mike Walter spoke with Ivan Eland, senior fellow and director of the Center on Peace and Liberty at the Independent Institute, about American and Russian roles in the Syrian Crisis and about what can be done to resolve the situation. Nov. 4, 2015

Posted: Wed. October 28, 2015

Research Fellow Sheldon Richman is interviewed on KTRS radio’s Larry Conners USA program, to talk about the 2016 presidential candidates and their stance on freedom and peace. Most seem eager for a war and support restrictions on markets and free trade. The race for president is a race to the bottom, according to Richman. Where are the candidates who promote peace and free enterprise?

Posted: Tue. October 27, 2015

Research Fellow Sheldon Richman talks with Larry Conners USA show about gun control and why it doesn’t work. When news of a tragic public shooting occurs, it is often followed with a cry for gun control. Anti-gun measures don’t work, according to Richman. Those that think otherwise are Utopians and are not being realistic.