Issue: Civil Rights

The Power of Independent Thinking


Showing 1 - 10 of 174 Results.

Colleges Are Waging War Against Men
Class War in California
Punishing students because their parents are too successful is unfair and unwise.
Education Secretary Miguel Cardona Pursues Predatory Actions
The department should have never existed in the first place.
K-12 Parents Need Same Choices as College Athletes
Like college scholarships, education dollars should flow to students’ parents, not government bureaucracies.
Slavery Revisited: Time on the Cross at 50
Harvard Tramples the Truth
When it came to debating Covid lockdowns, Veritas wasn’t the university’s guiding principle.
Proposition E Is a Step Backward for San Francisco’s Crime Woes
California Versus Free Speech: Mobsters Who Attacked Riley Gaines Get Off Scot-Free
Reporters seem unaware that the attack on free speech in the state has been going on for some time.
Congress Aims to Extend Warrantless Surveillance for the Foreseeable Future
These measures have no place in a free and democratic society.
The Hawai’i Supreme Court Overrules Bruen
Not really, it was only wishful thinking.

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless